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You don't have any products in the wishlist yet. You will find a lot of interesting products on our "Shop" page.
At ATS, we are committed to delivering high-quality products and reliable service to our clients. Please read our Refund and Returns Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding refunds, returns, and exchanges.
Due to the nature of our business model, ATS does not offer refunds, returns, or exchanges for any products purchased through our services. Each order is processed with strict quality assurance protocols to ensure that the items meet the standards and specifications outlined in the final quotation.
We understand that our clients rely on us to source and deliver quality products. ATS guarantees that each shipment will be thoroughly inspected and handled according to the quality specifications provided in your quotation. Our team works closely with trusted suppliers and performs comprehensive quality checks to ensure products meet the agreed standards.
Before shipping, each client will receive a detailed quotation specifying product descriptions, prices, shipping terms, and quality standards. By approving the quotation, you confirm acceptance of these details, including our no-refund, no-return policy.
While refunds and returns are not typically offered, we understand that unique situations may arise. If you encounter an issue that significantly deviates from the quality or specifications in your quotation, please reach out to our customer service team within 7 days of receiving your order. We will assess your case and work with you to find an appropriate solution.
For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at: hello@ats-lb.net
Thank you for choosing ATS for your sourcing and logistics needs.